“Family First” – A reflection on the value of paternity leave
“Family first” a statement that is true for almost everyone, but something that isn’t always openly talked about or in fact encouraged within the business setting. Working long hours and often missing out on key moments in family life is commonplace when you’re constantly striving to achieve and obtain recognition in the workplace. Not, however at McGill and Partners.
I write this looking back at an unforgettable 6-month paternity leave. Six precious months spent with my new-born son Henry, 2-year-old daughter Elsie and wife Erin.
That time has allowed me to become an integral part of family life, strengthening the bond between my children and I at a critical stage in their development. The brain is the only organ not fully developed at birth and 90% of critical brain development happens in the first five years of life. Therefore, the McGill and Partners paternity leave policy has not only given me a wonderful experience and memories that I can cherish, but, quite literally, the opportunity to help create the foundations of a secure family setting that will have psychological benefits for my children for their lifetime.
Of course, those 6 months were not always easy; but it has allowed me to truly appreciate the challenges of full-time parenting. The meltdowns, the routines, the unachieved plans, the negotiations and, perhaps most of all, the patience. I have learnt a lot about myself, and it has helped me to develop various skills that will benefit every aspect of my life. Being a parent is one of the most challenging, yet rewarding jobs in the world, and I am grateful that I could be a constant part of it all during my paternity leave.
“In 2019 we established McGill and Partners with the remit to build a company that differentiates itself through its inclusive culture and leading-edge working practices, underpinned by our Contract of Trust. Our family friendly policies are an example of this, and we are delighted that so many of our colleagues, including Oliver and his family, have taken them up and enjoyed precious time with loved ones. We are also proud of the fact that other companies in our sector are following our lead and introducing similar policies.”
Toby Sisson, Group Head of HR
It seems odd to me now, that this is time that we will never get to spend together again, building the foundation blocks for our family, but even odder that this extended period of paternity leave is not in any way common place within businesses in the UK. Having experienced it myself, all I can say now is that it really should be, and I hope that by sharing my experience it may spark a conversation in other UK businesses to perhaps consider doing the same.
It makes me very proud to be working for a company that understands the importance of family and unashamedly so. They understand that by giving us, their employees, time to enrich our family life, it not only benefits us, the employee, and our family, but it will also benefit the business in the long run, by facilitating a much healthier, happier and more productive workforce.
Thanks to McGill and Partners and my incredible team for making the last 6 months possible.